- Slots
- A slot defines when and where a league will play it's games during a week.
A slot consistes of three entities: a day of the week, a time of day, and a location.
- Day
- Select a day of the week from the pulldown field.
- Time
- The time of day for the game. The expected time format is HH:MM AM/PM, but the input
routine will attempt to understand variations on this form.
- Location
- Select a location from the pulldown field, where the locations are defined on the
Locations screen.
- Add a Slot
- On the line at the bottom of the page, select a day of the week, enter a time of day,
select a location, and click the Add button. QuickScores tries to anticipate the next
slot to be entered and sets that as the default value in the Add line. In many cases,
it may be possible to select the values for the first slot, then just click the Add
button a few times to enter the additional slots.
- Delete a Slot
- Click the Delete button in the rightmost column of the slot's row.
- Edit a Slot
- Click the Edit button in the leftmost column of the slot's row. Modify the fields as necessary, then click the Submit button.