Frequently Asked Questions

  • Getting Started FAQ

  • How do I get started using QuickScores?

    Go to the Free Trial page and send us a request. If all you want is to ask a few questions, no problem. We'll email you back the answers. If you want a short demo, we'll call you back for a ten minute demo over the phone while we're both looking at the website.

    If you want a free two week trial, we'll set up a website for you and schedule a training session. We don't like to just give someone a login and say, "Good luck! I hope you can figure out how to use the website!" We've tried that in the past and found that people miss at least half the features – usually the coolest, most powerful stuff.

    We prefer to take the more personal approach. Someone at QuickScores will personally walk you through your new trial website and show you how easy it is to use, including all of the most powerful features. The training session takes 60 to 90 minutes over the phone while you're actively using your website. At the end of the training session, you'll have a fully-functional website and you're ready to do whatever you want on your own for a two-week trial period.

  • Do I download software to my PC?

    No. All of the software is embedded in the website, so there is nothing to download.

  • Does QuickScores CREATE league schedules?

    Yes. Unlike many of our competitors that merely display schedules that you had to create manually, QuickScores will create schedules for you from scratch in just two or three minutes. The scheduling software in QuickScores has no limitations, which means you can create a schedule with any number of teams, any number of games per week at any number of days, times and venues, and any number of games per season. The schedules are optimized in several ways so that, for example, no team has all of the early or late games, and each team has the same number of home and away games.

  • On-line Registration FAQ

  • What is the online registration feature?

    The primary purpose of this feature is to allow athletes and teams to register online for leagues and tournaments, and to pay their entry fees online, usually via credit card.

    Athletes will be able to go to your website and click on the name of a registration form. On their screen they will see a list of data entry fields with captions such as Name, Street Address, and Home Phone. When they have filled in all of the fields, they will click a Submit button and be taken to a secure web page where they can pay with a credit card, an electronic check, or PayPal.

    You will be able to create and maintain as many different forms as you need. You may have one form for each sport, age group or league, or you can have a combined form where one of the questions asks the athlete to select which sport or league they are signing up for.

    A form can have any number of fields, in any order with any caption, and each field can be any of eight different types. While simple text fields will be most common, your forms can also have checkboxes, dropdown lists, text areas, and several other input types. You can assign a dollar amount to any form, so that when an athlete fills out the form, they will be required to pay a certain amount. In addition to the base value connected to the form, you can also assign additional dollar amounts to some fields. For example, you may have a base fee of $60.00 to play in a soccer league, but if the athlete clicks the “I want a soccer ball” checkbox, an additional $8.00 could be added to their bill.

    While the most common use of this feature is expected to be for registration where money is collected, QuickScores does allow you to create a form with zero base value, meaning someone can fill out the form and submit it without making any kind of payment.

    Because of the flexibility of a totally customizable form which may or may not have dollar values, this new “registration” feature can also be used for other purposes. For example, you can gather information about coaches and volunteers so that you can conduct a background check. You can take surveys where you ask your athletes questions and gather feedback from them. Or you can even create a store. A form can have a picture and a description of an item, followed by either a checkbox to buy one, or a dropdown list to allow purchase of multiple items.

  • How much does it cost?

    There is no cost to have the online registration feature enabled on your website. There is no setup fee, monthly fee, or annual fee. Costs are only incurred when registrants submit forms.

    QuickScores charges $1.00 for any submitted form, whether money is collected or not. Periodically QuickScores will send you an invoice to collect the accrued fees.

    Are there any fees other than the QuickScores fee described above? Yes. All credit card companies take out a small portion of every transaction. Because credit card companies don't allow vendors to raise their prices for credit card versus cash transactions, many people aren't aware that the vendor actually is charged a little money on every credit card transaction.

    For credit card processing, QuickScores uses PayPal, the well-known financial arm of eBay. PayPal sets their own fees and may change without notice. As of 2/11/2022, the PayPal fee on a transaction is $0.49 plus 3.49%. See PayPal for complete details

    Here is one example. A parent signs up a child for a sports league and the parent's credit card is charged $55.00. The QuickScores fee is $1.00 and the PayPal fee is $2.41 ($55.00 x 3.49% + $.49). Your organization nets $51.59 ($55.00 - $1.00 - $2.41).

    Here is another example. An adult signs up his softball team. The credit card is charged $360.00. The QuickScores fee is $1.00 and the PayPal fee is $13.05. Your organization nets $345.95 ($360.00 - $1.00 - $13.05).

  • How do I get my money?

    In addition to being a credit card processor, PayPal also acts as a web-based bank. All money collected by PayPal on your behalf is deposited in your account on PayPal. By signing into, you can see all of the transactions, their individual amounts, and the total available for you to extract.

    At any time, PayPal allows you to request the withdrawal of some or all of the money in your PayPal account. Certain limits may apply based on how the account was established. You can ask PayPal to either directly deposit the money into your bank account, or to send you a paper check. As of 4/20/10, PayPal does not charge for the direct deposit, but they do charge $1.50 for a check.

  • How do I create a new form?

    While we have tried to make the creation of a form as simple as possible, creating a long form from scratch can be tedious. For that reason we have provided a few ways to simplify the process. First, you can start with a template form defined by QuickScores, and just customize it to meet your needs. Second, once you have a form looking exactly the way you want it, you can make a copy of your own form and customize the copy. Third, you can copy forms from any other client. (YMCAs in urban areas quite often share resources among the branches in their association.) And fourth, if you need to add new fields to a form, not only can you insert any of eight different types of fields anywhere in the form, but you can also insert predefined fields or groups of fields. For example, you can insert a Shirt Size dropdown field that is already filled with all shirt sizes from YXS to A3XL. You can also insert a single chunk of fields that has name, street, city, state, phone, and email.

  • What do my athletes see?

    If you have one or more registration forms that are active, your athletes will see a menu item on the left titled Registration/Surveys. Clicking on Registration/Surveys will display a page listing all of your active forms. When you first create a form, it has a status of Inactive. When you have finished creating the form, you can change the form's status to Active. In the simplest case, setting a form to Active status will allow athletes to use the form to submit their information. You do, however, have the option to limit the use of the form in two different ways.

    First, you can define an upper limit on the number of entries. Many events have an upper limit on the number of participants. A new form defaults to allowing an unlimited number of submissions, but if you enter a number in the Maximum Entries field, QuickScores will only accept that many submissions. When the number of submissions reaches that max number, the form will still be listed on the Registration page for the athlete, but it will be gray and unclickable.

  • How do I view my form submissions?

    There are four different ways for you to view form submissions.

    1. As soon as the athlete clicks submit, you will receive an email containing all of the form's information, if requested.
    2. All of the submissions for a form are visible online in tabular format. In addition to the entered data, each submission is color coded to indicate whether the form was paid online, was paid by cash or check, or remains unpaid.
    3. Any one, several or all form submissions can be printed on paper. Each submission is printed on a separate page to facilitate the common method of team building by shuffling papers into piles on a table.
    4. All submissions to a form can be downloaded as a spreadsheet.

    Whenever you are dealing with a form, whether filling out a form or reviewing submissions, your connection to QuickScores is encrypted in order to protect your sensitive personal data.

  • What about refunds?

    You are responsible for any refunds. When you log into your merchant account on PayPal, you have the option to refund some or all of the transaction amount.

    When an athlete submits their credit card for payment and the transaction is approved, the QuickScores fee is non-refundable. Depending on the number of days between the initial transaction and the refund, PayPal may or may not credit you their fee. If the refund is issued within 60 days, PayPal will credit your their fee. If the refund is after 60 days, PayPal keeps their fee.

    If the athlete backs out after registering, you may want to do a partial refund and withhold the QuickScores and PayPal fees from the amount returned to the athlete. On the other hand, if you had to cancel the event, you will likely want to return the full amount to the athlete and your organization will absorb the retained fees as part of the cost of the event cancellation.

  • Must people registering have a PayPal account?

    No. PayPal is a full-service credit card processor and will accept credit card payments whether or not you have a PayPal account. If you have a PayPal account and choose to use it when registering, you may do so, but it is not a requirement.

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Bryan Quilici, President

Elliott Collins, Customer Success Manager

Sam Zachrich, Customer Success Advocate
    Including Billing