Welcome to Duplin County Middle School Athletics!
This website is designed to give you easy access to all of your sports information. As the season progresses, you will find it easy to follow your schedules, standings, and any changes or new information regarding your leagues and upcoming events. Be sure to bookmark this website for quick and easy access to all our sports information.
Schedules will be posted soon!
Mr. Ken Jr Avent, County Athletic Director
This website is designed to give you easy access to all of your sports information. As the season progresses, you will find it easy to follow your schedules, standings, and any changes or new information regarding your leagues and upcoming events. Be sure to bookmark this website for quick and easy access to all our sports information.
Schedules will be posted soon!
Mr. Ken Jr Avent, County Athletic Director
Celia Uranga, Administrative Assistant Athletics and Driver's Education
910-296-6640 / curanga@duplinschools.net
910-296-6640 / curanga@duplinschools.net