Co-Rec 14" Softball Pre-division

Spring 2018  -  PPD Adult Softball Leagues

Master Batters

Coach: Matt Moritz

Adult Softball Leagues

Regular Season Standings
Waist Up 201.000
Bat Intentions 201.000
Scared Hitless 201.000
Los Bandidos 201.000
Wasted Talent 201.000
Palatine Jaycees 110.500
Tap House Grillers 110.500
Master Batters 110.500
Absent Minded Professors 110.500
"All about that base" 110.500
The Soft-ballers 020.000
Rebels 020.000
Fly Baby Fly 020.000
Sons of Pitches 020.000
King Charles Magic 020.000
PCT = Winning Percentage

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