7th-9th Grade Volleyball

Fall 2019  -  Volleyball - Youth


Coach: Andrea Echols      435-623-2474435-623-2474 (Cell)

Start of Game:

  • We will flip a coin to determine who serves first. Winner of the coin toss can choose to serve first, or choose which side of the gym they want to be on. The opposite team will then get first serve or their choice of gym sides. Home team will call the coin toss.
  • Home teams wear white and visitors wear maroon



  • Best of three games.
  • Every serve is a point. First two games go until 25 points.
  • If both teams win a game, there will be a Third game that goes to 15 points. Do not need to be serving to win. First team to 15 points wins.



  • 4-6th Grade League-
    • Will serve from 16 ½ feet out. Will receive 2 serving try’s if needed on initial serve (if the serving team scores a point with that server and that server then serves again, that individual would then only receive one serve during the duration of that serving series; not two like the initial serve)
  • 7-9th Grade League-Only 1 serve
    • Serve from behind the line on the “west side” but can cross the line on the “east side”



  • Each team gets three hits to get it over the net (Though we would like them to learn the process before High School, it doesn’t have to bump, set, spike).
  • No double hits by same individual in a row.
  • If participant touches the net, other team will receive a point.
  • Out of bounds, other team point.
  • Can hit the ceiling beams or baskets on your OWN SIDE and still continue play, if it is within 3 hits.
  • If it hits the ceiling on the WHILE CROSSING TO OTHER TEAM’S SIDE, it is point for other team.
  • Obvious carries, that are not a solid hit, will result in point for other team.
  • No blocking of the initial serve is allowed.
  • As you are tossing the ball up to serve, you cannot throw and catch, must let drop if you don’t serve. This can only be done 3 times before it is automatically given to the other team.



  • One official per game



  • Teams will be small. (As needed, participants rotate out after they serve for substitution purposes)
  • The sport is geared toward fun, teamwork and learning the fundamentals.
  • No cheers will be allowed that are geared toward “taunting” the opponent. Focus on the positive.
  • One team from each division will be voted Good Sportsmanship team for the league. The vote will be determined by the opposing coaches/ teams late in the season. (Rec Staff will touch base)


Spectators/Family Members:

  • If the bleachers are out your more than welcome to sit there. Please do not allow children to climb on top of the bleachers. Please do not allow children to go onto the stage area or anywhere in the school besides the gym. Please be sure to clean up all garbage once your games are over.


Regular Season Standings
Velocity 1110.917
Spikers 1020.833
Swarm 660.500
Xpress 570.417
Avengers 480.333
Baconators 0120.000
PCT = Winning Percentage

View Full Standings

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