Import Teams Help Guide


Instead of manually typing in each of your Teams and Coachs, the Import Teams feature allows you to quickly add all of your teams into the system at once. Importing Teams and Leagues is a 3-step process.

  1. Building the CSV File

    1. Download the Sample CSV file - This will be your starting point for entering the information. Click the "Download Template CSV File" link and open the "QS-Team-Import.csv" file or save it to your computer.
    2. Open the CSV File - The CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file is similar to a spreadsheet and can be edited using Microsoft Excel. Once you have the file open, you will see that the top row contains all of the fields that can be defined for Teams and Coaches (or other team contacts).
    3. Enter the information - Here are all the fields that you can (or must) enter when importing teams:
      League Name Required
      Season Name Season and Sport Names are required if the same League Name is used across multiple seasons or sports
      Sport Name
      League ID Optional - Pass in the LeagueID value instead of League/Season/Sport names to identify the event
      External Event ID Optional - Pass in a unique ID for any event if you keep track of this league in some external software. This External ID can be used in place of LeagueID on Import Teams, View Schedule and Print Schedule.
      Team Name Required
      Team Subtitle Used to store Hometown, Sponsor, or other team descriptor
      Team Pool Name Used for pool tournaments, will default to A if blank
      Coach's Name Required if entering info for coaches
      First Name First Name and Last Name can be used in place of the Coach's Name field
      Last Name
      Coach's Title ex. "Head Coach"
      Email Primary email address
      Email 2 Secondary email address
      Phone Coach's primary phone number
      Phone Type Type of primary phone -- Mobile, Work, or Home
      Phone 2 Coach's secondary phone number
      Phone 2 Type Type of secondary phone -- Mobile, Work, or Home
    4. "Save As..." a CSV file - This is important! When you are done entering information, you must do a "Save As" and save the file as a CSV instead of a normal XLS file. The file types vary depending on which version of Excel you have, but the most common options are:
      MS Office 2010 CSV (MS-DOS)
      MS Office 2007 CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
      MS Office 2003 CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
      MS Office for Mac Windows Comma Separated (.csv)
      If you get prompted about "This file already exists. Do you want to replace the current file?" or "Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?", say yes to both questions.
    5. Upload the CSV file - Now it's time to get the teams into the system. Upload this new file on the Import Teams page and follow the steps on the screen to complete the import process.
  2. Identify Column Names

    In order to import everything correctly, we need to know exactly what data you are sending us. In this step, we extract the column headers from your file and try to match them up with the data fields that exists in QuickScores. We make a best guess as to how everything lines up but we need you to look over the list to confirm.

    If you used the sample CSV file provided in Step 1, this is a formality because all of the field are labeled correctly. But if you used your own file, this is a very important steps to prevent mistakes during import.

    Identify Column Names

  3. Select Leagues and Options

    In the final step, you have a final opportunity to review and choose which leagues will be imported. You also might have two additional options to choose:

    • Delete existing teams before importing new ones – Uncheck it if you want to keep the current teams
    • Create new events that don't match existing ones – Uncheck it and we will ignore any leagues in the import file that don't already exist

    Once you've made these final selections, click Finish Import!.

  4. Finished!

    The final page will show you which teams were imported and if there were any errors.