
Bocce League

Summer 2024  -  Bocce

Name and contact information for the league's coaches

Print Coaches

Team Name
Coach Name
Team#17 Paisano's
Bill Valenzo - Captain
Team 1 - Rigatonis
Valerie Faiola - Captain
717-314-0585717-314-0585 (Cell)
Team 2 DiBocceri
John Kenneth Krebs - Captain
717-201-3232717-201-3232 (Cell)

Team 3 - Reggio
Sam Mecum - Captain
717-314-0072717-314-0072 (Cell)
Team 4 - Scostomati
Patrick Caterbone - Captain
717-419-5617717-419-5617 (Cell)
Team 5 - Marchigiani
Giuseppe D'Isabella - Captain
717-285-5482717-285-5482 (Home)
Team 6 - Bocce Babes
Deb Saporetti
717-330-3170717-330-3170 (Cell)
Team 7 - The Warriors
James Hoke - Captain
717-330-9078717-330-9078 (Cell)
Team 8 - Going Postal
Judy Schaeffer - Captain
717-875-6190717-875-6190 (Cell)
Team 9 -Gasperina's Raiders
Jim Lombardo - Captain
717-419-0189717-419-0189 (Cell)
Team 10 - The Contenders
Rick Miller - Jaime Stream
717-203-9332717-203-9332 (Cell)
301-356-4654301-356-4654 (Cell)

Team 11 - Amici
Pete Byrne - Captain
717-203-1725717-203-1725 (Cell)
717-393-6700717-393-6700 (Home)
Team 12 - The Boccettes
Sherry Criniti
717-572-0811717-572-0811 (Cell)
717-898-0857717-898-0857 (Home)
Team 13 - High Rollers
Frank Provanzo - Captain
717-572-3953717-572-3953 (Cell)
Team 14 Elm Street Gang
Dave Hill Byrne - Captain
717-951-2888717-951-2888 (Cell)
717-560-1527717-560-1527 (Home)

Team 15 - Buford's Bocce
Doug Michael - Captain
717-475-2206717-475-2206 (Cell)
Team 16 - Rosa Rosa
JoAnn Hendricks - Captain
717-799-6821717-799-6821 (Cell)
717-947-6149717-947-6149 (Work)

Team 18 - Friends & Family
Jim Rohrer - Captain
717-201-9349717-201-9349 (Cell)
717-393-3660717-393-3660 (Work)
Team 19 - Civitas Lancaster
Doug Zecher - Captain
717-291-4433717-291-4433 (Cell)
Team 20 - R.P. Fishheads
Emily Carello - Captain
717-517-2055717-517-2055 (Cell)
Team 21 The Savory Gourmet
Missy McMillian - Coach
717-368-3353717-368-3353 (Cell)
Team 22 - The Victors
Rosemary LaFata - Captain
717-575-4254717-575-4254 (Cell)
569-5200 (Work)
Team 23 Olde Forge Crossing
Sam Vogel - Captain
717-693-5366717-693-5366 (Cell)
Team 24 -Valentino's Pallinos
Michael Sheely - Captain
717-587-6470717-587-6470 (Cell)