Schedule Headers With No Customization
The following two screenshots show the appearance of the color and printer-friendly schedules
without any customization. A standard schedule page header contains the event's name, sport and season

Schedule Headers With Added Text Line
Sports organizations often have a hotline phone number which a player or coach can call to hear a
recorded message about field conditions. Organizations also sometimes have mottos that they would
like to have prominently displayed. The "Text" field of the Schedule Header Customization section
allows up to 100 characters to be displayed at the top of the both the color and the black & white
printer-friendly versions of the schedules. For example, if the text "Rainout info: 214-450-3079"
is entered in the Text field, the schedule headers will look as follows:

Schedule Headers With Added Graphics
In addition to the line of text, the schedule headers can be customized by adding a graphic at the top.
The Schedule Header Customization section has a drop-down box that allows selection of one of several
standard graphics. The "My Logo" selection uses the organization's logo that appears in the dark blue
section at the top of all colored pages. With the exception of "My Logo", any graphic selected will appear
at the top of both the colored and printer-friendly black & white schedules. The "My Logo" graphic will
only appear on the printer-friendly schedule. The following table shows the various graphics that can be
added to the schedule header.
Image resized to 500 x 647
Original size: 1236 x 1600
Image resized to 500 x 281
Original size: 1200 x 675
Additional graphics can be added to the palette. If you have a suggestion for another graphic that is
nationally recognized, send your suggestion to
Your current header logo

Graphics from your Downloads page
2015 SK Hoops V5_star.png

2021 Elks Hoop Shoot

Image resized to 500 x 647
Original size: 1236 x 1600
One-on-One Basketball Schools Out Camp 1

Image resized to 500 x 281
Original size: 1200 x 675
Softball Logo 1.png



Ferry Orthodontics Logo.png


Midas Logo.gif


ortho rhode island.jpg


R&D Logo (Chris).jpg

Hair on Mane.jpeg

Lennon Insurance Agency.jpg

Seaside Fuel.jpg

Verizon Wireless Zone.jpg

Southern 401 Tree Service

RIRPA Tournament Logo

Web address
There are two options for the web address displayed at the top of the printer-friendly schedule -
either the address of your home page on the QuickScores website or your organization's home page.
A drop-down box in the Schedule Header Customization section allows you to select one or the other.
The Schedule Header Customization fields on the Event Options page are used to change the appearance of just that one event and overrides the settings defined on the Setup page.
The Schedule Header Customization fields on the Event Options page are used to change the appearance of just that one event and overrides the settings defined on the Setup page.