January 17, 2012

Tuscany Sienna Room


Board Members Present


Ricky McPherson, President

Tom Carlson, Vice President

Ed Schneider, Treasurer

Ted Wallace, Secretary

Al Lillig, Director

Jack Arango, Director

Greg Dunton, Director


Board Members Absent:




Guests Present:  Bobby Quarantino, Brad Hansen, Jack Hogan, Hugh Ferretti, Dan Rea, Steve Ward, Andy Mandela, Don Burrows, Dick Qwilt, Gary Jensen and Tony Gonzales


Call to Order:  President Ricky McPherson called Meeting to order at 5:00 pm.


The Minutes of the December 20, 2011 Board Meeting was reviewed and approved as written.


Old Business:




Committee and Director Updates:


1.  Financial Update ~ Ed Schneider


a.       Financials were presented and were approved as presented.

b.      New softballs have been ordered and will be used in the 2nd half of the season.

c.   Ed Schneider next presented the loss revenue from ushering which constitutes an:


Ø      Increase to $10 for year-end banquet per person

Ø      Increase to $35 for Summer League

Ø      Possible increase to next year’s 2012/2013 Fall Winter Season


2.  Marketing ~ Greg Dunton


a.       An email was sent to all sponsors inviting them and a guest to participate in the annual PCSSA golf tournament to be held Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at Eagles Nest Golf Course starting at 8:00 a.m.


3.  Field Maintenance ~ Al Lillig


a.       New equipment purchases were made:


Ø      Power washer

Ø      Blower

Ø      Line marker

Ø      Ball Bin


4.  Balance/Evaluation ~ Jack Arango

a.       Two new players were assigned to teams

b.      A Managers meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29, 2012 starting at 2:00 p.m. at Tom and Terry Carlson’s home

c.       Ushering update and forms have been handed out to ushering captains for a distribution to players.


5.  Events Committee ~ Ricky McPherson


a.       Sign up is available on the website for the upcoming AED class on January 20th.

b.      The PCSSA golf tournament is scheduled for February 29th.  The sign-up sheet is located at Robson Field.



New Business:

a.       SUB players:  a SUB player of 2 points higher can be used if no player is available in the same ranking number.  There are seven guys who evaluate the players and issue an average number for each player; therefore the player could have 2 or 3 higher numbers than the number assigned as an average for that player.  Example:  a 15-ranked player is probably just as good as a 17.  Pitcher Dan Phelka 21 and Bob Q. 19 – they are both even players.  After discussion, it was decided by the Board that this requires a rule change request (RCR) to be submitted and reviewed by the Rules Committee.

b.      PCSSA purchase and maintain bats for all travel teams playing games outside of Pebblecreek.  A minimum of 9 bats shall be on hand for use.  We have seven (7) teams consisting of 13 to 15 players or more for each team and all ranks of A through D players on one team or another.  The Board voted unanimously 7-0 not to approve this proposal.

c.       Permission to use the Pebblecreek ball park for Spring and Summer games with teams from other communities was unanimously approved by the Board with the understanding it will be limited to two games every other week only.

d.      Permission to use the Pebblecreek ball park for West Valley games for Pebblecreek players versus another team, playing 2 games, if needed, due to a rain out day when we could offer to play the makeup games at Pebblecreek.  They probably would not play the games at Pebblecreek, BUT would like to be able to make that offer instead of Pebblecreek having to forfeit games because Pebblecreek makeup games are being played on Monday.  Approved by the Board if it doesn’t interfere with any other PCSSA practice schedules.

e.       Formulizing the Summer league to run much like regular season (sponsors, balancing and scheduling) was unanimously approved by the Board.


With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. at the Tuscany Falls Sienna Room.


Respectfully Submitted,




Ted Wallace