

Tonight games have been cancelled due to rain (11/7/24).



Revised Rules for Tuesday Men's League (09/17/24)


  • Rosters must be submitted by the end of the third week. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of all future games until a roster is provided. To be eligible, each player's information must be fully completed on the roster form. No roster changes will be allowed after third week. If a team is found to have played a non-rostered player and the opposing team files a protest, that game will be forfeited. The game will proceed as usual, and a City official will verify the player's roster status the following day.   The classification of all players on team rosters will be reviewed and verified.
  • Each team is allowed only one (1) classified "C" player. If a team is found to have played two (2) or more classified "C" or higher players and the opposing team files a protest, that game will be forfeited. The umpire will record the players' names on the scorecard, and the game will continue as usual. A City official will verify the players' classifications the following day.
  • Ejections: At the discretion of the umpire, a player may be ejected from the game for any unsportsmanlike conduct (to include the consumption of alcohol).   Note: The player who has been ejected or suspended must leave the facility and grounds immediately and not return to the Azle Adult Softball League until the completion of the suspension.



Adult Softball 2024 By-Laws


  • Game balls can be purchased at the park for $6.   Balls must be either Softball World stamp (Worth Hot Dot Classic Plus) or Worth Hot Dot Classic Plus.
  • A player’s back foot CAN NOT be in front of home plate until the pitch is released.
  • We encourage pitchers to wear protective masks.
  • If a batted ball in the air hits a defenseless pitcher and the "middle" rule is invoked, the umpire will take up the bat for the remainder of the game. For the “middle rule” to be in effect, the pitcher must be in contact with the pitching box.

  • Revised Run-Rule:  20 after 3, 15 after 4, and 10 after 5.
  • Rosters: Rosters will be limited to 15 players. As of the beginning of the 2nd calendar week of the season AND regardless of the number of actual games played or not played, rosters are due to the umpires. Rosters must be filled out completely.  Teams that do not turn in rosters will forfeit previous played games until the roster is submitted.  Additions to the rosters will be allowed until the end of your 6th scheduled game.   Rosters will be frozen at the conclusion of the 6th game. No additions will be allowed in the playoffs.
  •   The batter begins each plate appearance with the count of one ball and one strike.
  • Player ejections will be effective for the remainder of the game and for the team’s next game. In the event the player is ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct, player must leave the park.  Two ejections in a season will be grounds for removal for the remainder of the season.
  • Men E (Tuesday) Home Run Rule- 1 and 1 up single rule.  Once both teams hit 1 homeruns each, any team can hit 1 homerun that allows the other team the opportunity to hit 1.  Any homeruns hit over by the same team will count as a single until the opposing team hits a homerun.

Rules for Azle Modified Coed:


  • Coed teams may score up to eight (8) runs per inning. After the eighth run, teams change sides. Scoring can be as normal play if both teams agree at the plate.
  • No more than 3 "C" players, no players classified higher than "C". 
  • If a male batter walks before another male batter he is awarded 1st base only. If he walks in front of a female batter he is awarded 2nd base.
  • Coed Line-up:    A Modified Co-Ed team consists of 10 players, 6 men and 4 women, 5 men and 5 women will be allowed.   Teams may play 6 men and 6 women.   If mixed team has 5 females, they MUST play 5 females.   If a team plays using the 6/4 format, a female must bat 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th .  Men must bat 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th and 10th.    If a team using the 6/4 format and a 5th female arrives during the game, the team MUST play 5/5.  The 5th female will be inserted into the 9th batting position immediately and the male originally in that spot is now done for the game.    A team CANNOT play 7/3.   Teams may bat 4-4, 5-5, 6-4, or 6-6.  
  • Coed Modified (Friday)3 and 1 up single rule.- Once both teams hit 3 homeruns each, any team can hit 1 homerun that allows the other team the opportunity to hit 1.  Any homeruns hit over by the same team will count as a single until the opposing team hits a homerun.


League Nights


Church Coed Recreation (Monday Night):  Open to co-ed church teams to bring friends and families together for a friendly and fun league.  Ages 18 & up. Double headers will be scheduled each week.

Men's E (Tuesday Night):  No more than 3 D classification players per team.  Ages 18 & up. Double headers will be scheduled each week.

Men's Mix D & E (Thursday Night):  This is a great night for friends to put together a team.   Ages 18 & up.  Double headers will be scheduled each week.


Coed Mix D & E (Friday Night):  This is a very exciting evening to play with friends and families.    Ages 18 & up.  Double headers will be scheduled each week.





» Fall 2024 Softball - Adult

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City of Azle

Kyle Culwell, Parks Superintendent

(817) 444-7127
