
Home Team will be determined by a coin toss.


Parks and Recreation will notify all team managers/coaches in the event of any cancellations as quickly as possible once the determination has been made.


Game cancellations due to weather are typically not determined until late afternoon on the day of play since the weather changes so quickly.


If your team needs to forfeit a game for any reason, please contact your League Director,

As early as possible so that he can notify the other team.


PLEASE clean up your own mess! People leaving garbage on the ground, in dugouts and on the tables has been a huge problem.


There are trash cans everywhere for this purpose.


Children are NOT allowed in the dugouts, even as “bat boy's”. This is an USSSA regulation that must be adhered to for safety reasons.


Concessions will be available from 6:30PM-9:00PM


**Men's Softball Rules**


**Coed Softball Rules**


DJ Ford


Kylee Geary


» Spring 2024 Softball