5/6th Grade Softball

2021 Valley League Softball  -  Softball

Central Linn

Head Coach: Payton Holt      541-409-9277541-409-9277 (Cell)     

Assistant coach: Jessica Leopard      541-405-8340541-405-8340 (Cell)     

Rain Out/Inclement Weather Decisions:
Please check the www.valleyleaguesports.com
website before calling about rain outs. Registered coaches that use text messaging will receive notice via text.  Rain out decisions will be made by the home team association by 3:00 p.m. on game days. The home association is responsible for contacting both the visiting association (club) as well as the visiting team coach no later than 3:00 p.m.

---->For a list of Association Contacts Click Here <----

Score reporting:
Within 48 hours of the scheduled game time, the winning team must report the score and innings pitched for both teams in the game.  Each coach that is registered will be able to post scores for their games only.  The team listed on top is the visitor and the bottom is home.  Innings pitched will be logged in the comments section, following the format below. 

To help keep the reporting consistent, they must be entered using the following format:

(V) #44 V. Garrett-4, #12 T. Stevens-3, #18 S. Bradbury-1 / (H)  #4 J. Smith-3, #10 F. Johnson-2, #22 R. Frederick-2

Rules state that 1 pitch constitutes an inning, therefore a pitching line may add up to more than the number of innings actually played.

Brad Anderson is the 5/6th Grade league administrator, please email or call with questions.
brad@andersonsecuritynw.com   503-302-5849 
Regular Season Standings
Harrisburg 11200.846 133
Philomath Figaro'sPhilomath #2 10300.769 103
Stayton 9310.731 121
Thatcher Construction (Scio)Scio 9400.692 147
Mulberry Contract CuttingPhilomath #1 8500.615 200
Dallas 7600.53811174
South AlbanySheet Metal Solutions 7600.53811175
Central Linn 7600.53811188
McNary 2 7600.53811197
Santiam Christian 4720.385 176
West AlbanyAmerican Bookkeeping & Tax 4810.346 193
Jefferson 4900.308 152
Central 11110.115 226
McNary 1 01210.038 164
Central Linn Cobras 0000.000 0
PCT = Winning PercentageHTH = Head-To-HeadHTHDiff = Head-To-Head DifferentialRA = Runs Allowed

View Full Standings

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