Home team listed first
Away team listed second
Regular Season Schedule & Results
- Show Week
- All
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
Week 1
Week 2
- Cancel 14 vs 16 Monday May 7th Team #16 cannot field a team that Monday. Teams # 14 vs 16Make up @ Celebration Park #4Monday July 30th 10 amField #4Thanks Harlen
- Cancel 14 vs 16 Monday May 7th Team #16 cannot field a team that Mondays. Teams # 14 vs 16Make up @ Celebration Park #4Monday July 30th 10 amField #4Thanks Harlen
- We played at Grass Lawn as Crestwoods # 2 was rained out!
Week 3
- Classics showed great sportsmanship. They do not have the team they did last year, but played with a good attitude and spirit.
- Classics showed great sportsmanship. They do not have the team they did last year, but played with a good attitude and spirit.
Week 4
- BTW the games on May 21 will be made up on June 18th at Crestwood Joseph Beaulieu
- BTW the games on May 21 will be made up on June 18th at Crestwood Joseph Beaulieu
- Please cancel teams 2 vs 7 field #4 at Celebration Park
- Casket Ready scheduled for May 23 is cancelled as they will not have enough players
- Angelos vs Joe's..was cancelled by Angelos cause a lack of enough players...
- poorest ump we ever had
- Please cancel teams 2 vs 7 field #4 at Celebration Park
- Casket Ready scheduled for May 23 is cancelled as they will not have enough players
- Angelos vs Joe's..was cancelled by Angelos cause a lack of enough players...
- ump was very unaware....of his job
Week 5
- Teams that cannot play next week because of the Reno Tourney
- Teams that cannot play next week because of the Reno Tourney
- Art, our game that was scheduled with the 21 for Fun team (Steve Salmon) originally scheduled for 5-30 had been cancelled.The makeup game is set for 6-18 (Monday) at Crestwoods firled #2 at 10 and 11:30. Thanks, Tom
- Teams that cannot play next week because of the Reno Tourney
- Teams that cannot play next week because of the Reno Tourney
- Art, our game that was scheduled with the 21 for Fun team (Steve Salmon) originally scheduled for 5-30 had been cancelled.The makeup game is set for 6-18 (Monday) at Crestwoods firled #2 at 10 and 11:30. Thanks, Tom
- please cancel the games - teams 14 vs. 8 at Celebration #1 Friday, June 1.
- Please cancel teams 28 vs 23 on Friday June 1st at Celebration Park
- please cancel the games - teams 14 vs. 8 at Celebration #1 Friday, June 1.
- Please cancel teams 28 vs 23 on Friday June 1st at Celebration Park
Week 6
- WWUA Ken (needs help on interpretation of "reasonable effort" on infield fly rule)
- Games cancelled but will me made up at a later date! We have finalized our make-up games with Aegis Redmond for Monday, June 11
- Ump did not have a good understanding of our rules. Did not know what batter out for running line, that the runner get not start to run on a swing that does touch the ball, and what a high pitch was.
- WWUA Ken (needs help on interpretation of "reasonable effort" on infield fly rule)
- Games cancelled but will me made up at a later date! We have finalized our make-up games with Aegis Redmond for Monday, June 11
- Ump did not have a good understanding of our rules. Did not know what batter out for running line, that the runner get not start to run on a swing that does touch the ball, and what a high pitch was.
Week 7
- Umpire was not very good-didn't seem to know the rules (6' needed on pitch), couldn't tell whether the pitch hit the mat or not), and didn't get out from behind the plate at all.
- Date Game Schedule for: Originally: June 13, Moved to June 27 due to rain. Classic slowpitch game! Schwab scored 11 in the 7th to go ahead by nine. Hornets scored 10 in the bottom of the 7th to win by one!
- Rainout today at Crestwoods. Bob Applebaum and I will reschedule for a future game
- both teams had concerns with umps strike zone
- A rainout make-up game played 7/20/18
- Bonney Watson 8, Joe's 5, game stopped by Joe at thee end of inning 3 due to sick player on Joe's team.
Week 8
- Please cancel teams 6 vs 10 on Wednesday 6-20 at Hogan Park, Thanks, Harlen
- Please cancel teams 6 vs 10 on Wednesday 6-20 at Hogan Park, Thanks, Harlen
Week 9
- RJ Scoreboard is unable to field a team on Monday. (Injuries and vacations) My apologies for the late notice.EdRJ Scoreboard
- June 25, 2018, played July 30, 2018 as rainout makeup 7-30 KIRKLAND Field # 1
- Game called a tie by mutual consent
- RJ Scoreboard is unable to field a team on Monday. (Injuries and vacations) My apologies for the late notice.EdRJ Scoreboard
- June 25, 2018, played July 30, 2018 as rainout makeup 7-30 KIRKLAND Field # 1
- Ruth Realty failed to show with their team per Bob Applebaum.
- WoodsmansLife 18 Rainiers 15The Rainiers wanted to give us the win for Game #1 because they borrowed players from team Aigis #6 team overall.The umpire didn't know some of the rules and Rairiers were not keeping to the runners parodical because of the shortage of players they had.
- FAT 12,13; Stray Dogs 27,25This is umpire was as bad as the one we had on June 13 which are two of the worst we have had in the last 5 years. He was very overweight and could hardly see the mat when looking down. He really couldn't tell well whether the ball hit the mat or not on at least 10-15% of the close ones and never got out from behind the plate on plays at the base _thus missing several calls.
- Please cancel teams 6 vs 11 on Wednesday, June 27thAt Crestwoods # 2
- Ruth Realty failed to show with their team per Bob Applebaum.
- WoodsmansLife 18 Rainiers 15The Rainiers wanted to give us the win for Game #1 because they borrowed players from team Aigis #6 team overall.The umpire didn't know some of the rules and Rairiers were not keeping to the runners parodical because of the shortage of players they had.
- FAT 12,13; Stray Dogs 27,25This is umpire was as bad as the one we had on June 13 which are two of the worst we have had in the last 5 years. He was very overweight and could hardly see the mat when looking down. He really couldn't tell well whether the ball hit the mat or not on at least 10-15% of the close ones and never got out from behind the plate on plays at the base _thus missing several calls.
- Please cancel teams 6 vs 11 on Wednesday, June 27thAt Crestwood # 2
Week 10
Week 11
- Please cancel teams 14 vs 18 Monday July 10th at CrestwoodsThanksHarlen
- Please cancel teams 14 vs 18 Monday July 10th at CrestwoodsThanksHarlen
- Another game cancellationWednesday July 10thTeams 2 vs 3 @ Celebration Park # 3Steve Salmon is in Montana for Family problem Said when he text his players 6 couldn’t make itHarlen
- Cancel teams 4 vs 5 on 7/11 at Celebration Park Thanks Harlen
- Teams 11 vs 13 scheduled for Steel Lake Wednesday July 11th Please move to Celebration Park Field #4
- I got a text message from Robert Merrell to cancel this game.Game cancelationWednesday, July 10thCrestwood Field 2 19 vs 1720 vs 17Harlen, This is B.S.! Robert Merrill should have contacted us direct regarding the cancellation including the reason and discussing plans for making up the games. On June 20, we (#20, Charles Schwab & #19, Moss Bay Hawks) traveled to Underwood to play them, and now they won't travel to play us at Crestwood's in Kirkland! As manager of MBH & PSSSA Vice President, I have a problem with this! At minimum, I have no interest in scheduling them in the future, and as League VP, I question whether they should be accepted as a member of our PSSSA league. Please convey my displeasure to Robert Merrill and also please advise me if I should be aware of any extenuating circumstances regarding this cancellation such as an accident or death regarding his team members (with which I would be sympathetic) or whether his players just didn't want to come to Kirkland!Thank you.Rich MiailovichThanksHarlen
- Someone needs to show this umpire that an illeagel pitch is: Ron Paluch
- Another game cancellationWednesday July 10thTeams 2 vs 3 @ Celebration Park # 3Steve Salmon is in Montana for Family problem Said when he text his players 6 couldn’t make itHarlen
- Cancel teams 4 vs 5 on 7/11 at Celebration Park Thanks Harlen
- Teams 11 vs 13 scheduled for Steel Lake Wednesday July 11th Please move to Celebration Park Field #4
- I got a text message from Robert Merrell to cancel this game.Game cancelationWednesday, July 10thCrestwood Field 2 19 vs 1720 vs 17Harlen, This is B.S.! Robert Merrill should have contacted us direct regarding the cancellation including the reason and discussing plans for making up the games. On June 20, we (#20, Charles Schwab & #19, Moss Bay Hawks) traveled to Underwood to play them, and now they won't travel to play us at Crestwood's in Kirkland! As manager of MBH & PSSSA Vice President, I have a problem with this! At minimum, I have no interest in scheduling them in the future, and as League VP, I question whether they should be accepted as a member of our PSSSA league. Please convey my displeasure to Robert Merrill and also please advise me if I should be aware of any extenuating circumstances regarding this cancellation such as an accident or death regarding his team members (with which I would be sympathetic) or whether his players just didn't want to come to Kirkland!Thank you.Rich MiailovichThanksHarlen In view of the above Charles Schwab and Moss Bay played each other on 7/25/18 Game results Charles Schwab 15, Moss Bay 13. Wednesday, July 11, 2018. Played Wednesday, July 25, 2018Scores/Message: Charles Schwab - 15, Moss Bay Hawks - 13Make-up game due to cancellation by Woodmen's Life of scheduled doubleheader on July 11, 2018.
- Someone needs to show this umpire that an illeagel pitch is: Ron Paluch
Week 12
- can we play on field #1 instead of #3 at underwood 7/16 vs no fence to far?
- same as above
- Celebration ParkWednesday, 18thCancel field #4 teams 10 vs 5Thanks Harlen
- Celebration ParkWednesday, 18thCancel field #4 teams 10 vs 5Thanks Harlen
Week 13
- Please cancel teams 2 vs 3 field 1 at Cel ParkWednesday, July 25thThanks Harlen
- Umpire Name: WWUA Whatever it is don't want him again! Second time we have had this terrible umpire. Stands so far back he can't see if the ball hits the mat or not, doesn't know how to call the 6-12 foot arc zone, stands behind the plate to call plays on the bases, etc. Please don't schedule him with us again.
- Art, Thank you for your email seeking clarification of my game submission results. The clarification is as follows: 1. Woodmen Life was scheduled to play a doubleheader (one game vs. Moss Bay Hawks & one game vs. Charles Schwab) on July 11th at Crestwood’s Park; they cancelled that doubleheader and were not able to schedule a make-up with us. 2. Therefore, in order for us to play (24) games for the season, Charles Schwab and Moss Bay Hawks played each other on July 25th; Charles Schwab won that game 15 – 13. 3. That win was recorded as a win for Charles Schwab vs. Woodmen Life rather than the Moss Bay giving CS (24) games for the season. 4. Our loss was never recorded indicating that we only played (23) games for the season with a record of 13 – 8 – 2, when actually our record ended up 13 – 9 – 2. The PSSSA board guarantees (24) games for all registered teams and approves teams playing make-up games against each other when scheduled opponents cancel and do not make up their games; that is what Moss Bay hawks and Charles Schwab did. I hope that clarifies this for you. Thank you. Rich Miailovich
- Please cancel teams 2 vs 3 field 1 at Cel ParkWednesday, July 25thThanks Harlen
- Umpire Name: WWUA Whatever it is don't want him again! Second time we have had this terrible umpire. Stands so far back he can't see if the ball hits the mat or not, doesn't know how to call the 6-12 foot arc zone, stands behind the plate to call plays on the bases, etc. Please don't schedule him with us again.
Week 14
- Celebration Park Wednesday, August 1st Cancel teams 8 vs 9 on field #3Change teams 1 vs 2 from field #1 to field # 3Teams 10 vs 11 to Steel Lake #1Sorry guys Mariners little league has #1 and #4 for Wednesday, Aug 1st Thanks Harlen
- Celebration Park Wednesday, August 1st Cancel teams 8 vs 9 on field #3 Change teams 1 vs 2 from field #1 to field # 3 Teams 10 vs 11 to Steel Lake #1 Sorry guys Mariners little league has #1 and #4 for Wednesday, Aug 1st Thanks, Harlen
- Because of field conflict at Celebration Park Teams 12 vs 13 have been moved to Kent Ken—Please send a umpire to Kent for that game Thanks Harlen
- Celebration Park Wednesday, August 1st Cancel teams 8 vs 9 on field #3 Change teams 1 vs 2 from field #1 to field # 3 Teams 10 vs 11 to Steel Lake #1 Sorry guys Mariners little league has #1 and #4 for Wednesday, Aug 1stThanks, Harlen
- Please cancel teams #27 vs 28 on August 1st at UnderwoodThanksHarlen
- Celebration Park Wednesday, August 1st Cancel teams 8 vs 9 on field #3 Change teams 1 vs 2 from field #1 to field # 3 Teams 10 vs 11 to Steel Lake #1 Sorry guys Mariners little league has #1 and #4 for Wednesday, Aug 1st, Thanks, Harlen
- Celebration Park Wednesday, August 1st Cancel teams 8 vs 9 on field #3 Change teams 1 vs 2 from field #1 to field # 3 Teams 10 vs 11 to Steel Lake #1 Sorry guys Mariners little league has #1 and #4 for Wednesday, Aug 1st, Thanks, Harlen
- Because of field conflict at Celebration Park Teams 12 vs 13 have been moved to Kent Ken—Please send a umpire to Kent for that game Thanks Harlen
- Celebration Park Wednesday, August 1st Cancel teams 8 vs 9 on field #3 Change teams 1 vs 2 from field #1 to field # 3 Teams 10 vs 11 to Steel Lake #1 Sorry guys Mariners little league has #1 and #4 for Wednesday, Aug 1st, Thanks, Harlen
- Please cancel teams #27 vs 28 on August 1st at UnderwoodThanksHarlen
NO Games this week Fourth of July