4th Grade Boys

Winter 2019-2020  -  Basketball - Youth

NVAA Weather Line: 970-284-3550

NVAA Weather Line: 970.284.3550

Please see gym supervisor with game day compliments, questions, or concerns. Gym size may vary depending on location.

Good Luck & Have Fun!

Regular Season Standings
Evans 2- Quick Bear 6001.000
RYA-Pevler 5100.833
Evans 3- Tillinghast 5100.833
EAPRD 1 - Davenport 4110.750
Evans 1- Danhoff 4200.667
FLRC - Rodriquez 4200.667
EAPRD 2 - Rioz 3210.583
LaSalle 2 - Molina 3300.500
EAPRD 3 - Lerwick 1500.167
Kersey-Anglin 1500.167
Evans 4- Chadwick 1500.167
Kersey-Edstrom 1500.167
FLRC - Blackston 0600.000
PCT = Winning Percentage

View Full Standings

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