GSCP - Beebe, Highlands, Maplebrook, Elmwood & Kendall

Spring 2019  -  Baseball

Maplebrook School - 36067 - Kentucky

In case of rain, please wait for your coach to call you.  Re-scheduling rained out games is at the coaches convenience.
Jay Havenaar, Coordinator
Web address to rules, coach's online forms and general program info:
Park Watch  630-848-5050
Regular Season Standings
Beebe School - 36061 - Auburn 000.000
Beebe School - 38947 - Florida 000.000
Elmwood School - 36063 - Kansas 000.000
Highlands School - 36075 - Alabama 000.000
Maplebrook School - 36067 - Kentucky 000.000
Maplebrook School - 36068 - Arizona State 000.000
PCT = Winning Percentage

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