Earnings Report Calculation Help


When creating the Earnings Report, you have two options for determining whether or not an official should be paid:
  • Assume Game is Worked -- If an official is assigned to a game and they did not Decline the assignment (the status is either Accepted or Unconfirmed), then that game assignment will be included on the Earnings Report for payment.
  • Require Confirmation -- A game assignment is only included on the Earnings Report if you have positive confirmation that the official did indeed work the game.
If you choose the second option, a checkbox will be displayed next to each assignment on the Assign Officials page. Simply click on each assignment that is worked (then Save) to have that game included on the Earnings Report for payment.

Assign Officials page (with Require Comfirmation selected) assign officials user interface

Earnings Report (with Require Comfirmation selected) official earnings report