QuickScores - Locations Help Guide


A playing field or court; any place at which a game can be conducted. A location can be used by multiple leagues. Each location should represent a place where only one game at a time can be played; for example, a location such as Huffines Park would not be valid because there are 4 fields there. Valid locations might be Huffines 1, Huffines 2, Huffines 3, and Huffines 4.

Add a Location
Enter the location name in the white "New Location Name" text field and click the Submit button. The location name can be any sequence of characters with a maximum length of 50. You may not enter a duplicate location name.

Delete a Location
Click the Delete checkbox to the right of the name, followed by clicking Submit. Because you may not delete a location that is currently used in a slot for a league, a Delete checkbox will only appear next to locations that are unused.

Edit a Location Name
Simply type the new name of the location in the text field and click Submit. The new name cannot be a duplicate. If you leave it blank, it will return to its previous value.

Edit Location Address
Click the Address/Options link to the left of the name. If you have locations at the same address already entered in another location, you can Link to Other Location with the same address (see below) or you can copy all of the information by using the Copy From function near the top of the screen.
  • Edit the street address and/or the latitude and longitude.
  • Enter additional details or instructions that would be useful for finding the location, or special rules that visitors must follow.
  • Select an image to be used as a field layout map. This must be a file in the Downloads section of your QuickScores site and must be in a graphics file format (.gif, .jpg, .png, or .bmp).
  • Select which sports can be played at the location.

Location Status Settings
Assign to Games? (Game Status) - If checked, this location will be eligible to be assigned to games and time slots. It will be included in all location dropdown boxes where applicable.

Display in Public List? (Display Status) - If checked, this location will be shown on the Location page that is displayed to the public.

Link to other Location? - For locations that have identical address information, instead of copying the address multiple times you can link the location to a single page. Whenever someone tries to visit this location, they will instead be taken to the linked location.

Overlapping Locations
You can define two locations are being "overlapping". This means that games can't be played on those fields at the same time because there would be a conflict. If you define two fields as overlapping, conflicts will be displayed on the Edit Schedule page if games are scheduled at the same time on those two fields. If two fields are no longer overlapping, simply click the red X next to the overlapping definition.