Instead of manually typing in each of the names and contact info for every player, the Import Players feature allows you to quickly add your rosters into the system at once.
- Download the Sample CSV file - This will be your starting point for entering the information. Click the "Download Template CSV File" link and open the "QS-Player-Import.csv" file or save it to your computer.
- Open the CSV File - The CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file is similar to a spreadsheet and can be edited using Microsoft Excel. Once you have the file open, you will see that the top row contains all of the fields that can be defined for Players (along with the Team and League that they will be playing in).
Enter the information - Here are all the fields that you can (or must) enter when importing teams:
League Name or
League IDRequired if you are assigning a player to a non-unique team name Season Name Season Name and/or Sport Names might be required to differentiate between League names that used multiple times Sport Name Team Name Required if you want to assign the player to a Team Player's Name Required First Name First Name and Last Name can be used in place of the Player's Name field Last Name Local ID If your organization assigns unique IDs to players, enter it here Email Primary email address Email 2 Secondary email address Mobile Phone Home Phone Work Phone Gender Accepted values: M, F, Male, Female (capitalization ignored) Birthdate Preferred format is MM/DD/YYYY, but we are flexible Street Address City State Zip Code School Emergency Contact 1 Six possible fields: Name, Relationship, Phone, Email, Phone 2, Email 2 Emergency Contact 2 Six possible fields: Name, Relationship, Phone, Email, Phone 2, Email 2 Custom Fields Include a separate column for any custom fields. Text in the header column must match the already created field name. -
"Save As..." a CSV file - This is important! When you are done entering information, you must do a
"Save As" and save the file as a CSV instead of a normal XLS file. The file types vary depending on which version of Excel you have, but the most common
options are:
MS Office 2010 CSV (MS-DOS) MS Office 2007 CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) MS Office 2003 CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) MS Office for Mac Windows Comma Separated (.csv) - Upload the CSV file - Now it's time to get the teams into the system. Upload this new file on the Import Teams page and follow the steps on the screen to complete the import process.