Add an Event - To add a new event, use the form fields in the yellow section below the "Add an event name" title, as shown in the screen shot below. After entering the desired event name, selecting the season, sport, and event type, click either of the Submit buttons on the page.

Edit an Event - To edit the name or parameters of an existing event, simply make the desired changes in the blue and white table, and click either of the Submit buttons. You may change an event's name, season or sport at any time, including after creating a league schedule.
Delete an Event - To delete an event, click the Delete checkbox to the right of the event name and then click either of the Submit buttons. When an event name is deleted, all of the teams, time slots, games and brackets for that event are automatically deleted, too.
Event Name - An event is uniquely defined by the event's name, season and sport, which means it is permissible to use event names such as "3rd Grade Boys" in several different sports and seasons. When creating a new event, if the Season selector does not have the desired season name, go to the Seasons page (by clicking the word Seasons in the left-hand navigation bar) and enter the new season name.
Listing Order - The events on this page are displayed in the same order as they will be to the public. To change the order of events, simply change the order number that is listed in the Order input box on the far left and then click Submit. The Order input accepts any numbers, both positive and negative, both integers and decimals, and will automatically re-number the events with integer values after submission. For example, if you want the 4th item in a list to become the 2nd item, change the "4" to "1.5". After clicking Submit, the event with "1.5" will be re-numbered as "2" and all other events will be moved down the list accordingly.

Show to Public - To make an event visible to the general public, click the "Show to Public" checkbox to the left of the event's name, and then click the Submit button. It is generally recommended that the Event Name be created without clicking the Show checkbox, and only showing the event to the public after adding teams and time slots to the event, creating the schedule, and making any needed changes to the schedule.
Options - The fastest way to create a new event is to create the event's name and immediately move on to adding teams and time slots to the event. In doing so, the event is created with all of the default parameters and will meet the needs of most organizations. If there is a need modify how an event is created, click on that event's Options button and a new page will appear with a variety of options and parameters that may be adjusted.
Envelope Below Options - If one or more coaches for an event have email addresses, an envelope icon will appear below below the event's Options button, as shown in the screen shot above. The number next to the envelope indicates the number of coaches with email addresses, out of the total number of teams created. Clicking on the envelope will open a new email addressed to all of the coaches in the event. If there are any coaches signed up to receive text messages, a cell phone icon will be displayed in the same manner.
Email all - At the bottom of the column with Options buttons and event envelopes, there is another envelope icon and the words "Email all in one or more leagues", as shown in the screen shot above. Clicking on this Email All envelope will open a new web page that will allow a single email to be sent to all of the coaches in several events.