The Send Email page allows you to easily send an email to All Coaches in one or more leagues.
To specify which leagues are to receive the emails, simply click the checkbox next to the desired leagues. To speed the selection process, two buttons are provided near the top of the page - Select All and Clear All - to select or deselect every league checkbox on the page.
The dark blue header line above each sport-season also contains separate Select All and Clear All buttons. These buttons only select or deselect the checkboxes within their respective sport-season. In the graphic above, the four checkboxes were selected by clicking the Select All button in the Baseball-Summer 2007 header.
After selecting the leagues you wish to receive the email, enter your email address in the From field, a subject line in the Subject field, and your message content in the Message field. The message content can be styled with color, bolding, etc. just as is done on your home page and league messages.
Below the message area is a field that allows you to specify a file to be attached. Simply click the browse button and a standard window will pop up to allow you to select any file from your PC.
Often a broadcast email will reference a coach's schedule, either because the schedule is new or has recently been updated. Below the attachment field is a dropdown box which allows you to include a link to the coach's schedule. The link will appear in blue at the bottom of your email with the caption "Click here for your schedule". Each coach who receives an email will get a link that takes them to their own schedule, even if you sent emails to the coaches in several different leagues. If you select "All events", the link will be sent to All Coaches even if their schedule is still hidden from the public. If "No events" is selected, the schedule link wil not be included in the email.
After filling in all of the form fields, the emails can be sent by clicking the Send button at the bottom. The emails will be sent one at a time to the coaches in each of the selected leagues. By sending the emails one at a time, your communication appears more personal, and the email is less likely to be blocked by a spam filter (which sometimes block any email sent to a large number of recipients). Although it is the QuickScores software sending the emails, the coach cannot tell whether the email came from your personal email program or from QuickScores. If the coach replies to your email, the reply will go to your inbox. If you had a bad email address for a coach, the bounce-back error message will go to your inbox.
After sending the emails, the page will list which email addresses received the emails, as shown in the graphic below.
The email sent from the form fields above will be received by your coaches looking as follows. Note how the Schedule Link dropdown box yielded a link to the coach's schedule on your QuickScores website.
If the Schedule Link selector is set to "Only public events" or "All events", an email will be sent to every email address of every coach in every selected league. If a coach is responsible for teams in two different leagues, he will receive two different emails, where each email has a link to a different league schedule. If the Schedule Link selector is set to "No events", a coach will only receive one email even if his email address appears on two or more teams.