Download Schedule Help Guide


When downloading your schedule, you have three format options:

  1. iCal - The most reliable format with additional information for displaying reminders prior to the game.
    File is downloaded with a .ics extension.
  2. CSV - Comma separated value format provides much of the same information as iCal but occasionally has problems when being imported into your calendar application.
    File is downloaded with a .csv extension.
  3. vCal - An older format that has been largely replaced by iCal. Use iCal if possible unless your calendar application only accepts vCal format.
    File is downloaded with a .vcs extension.
Recommended Formats for Popular Calendar Applications:
Microsoft Outlook 2007 - iCal
Microsoft Outlook 2003 - CSV or vCal
Apple iCal - iCal
Google Calendar - iCal

To get your team schedule imported into your calendar application, follow these simple steps:

  1. From the Download Schedule page that you were just on, click the iCal, CSV, or vCal link for the team schedule that you wish to download.
  2. A window will pop up asking if you want to Open or Save the file. Select Save and choose a location on your computer (like your Desktop) where you can retrieve the downloaded file.
  3. In your calendar application, select the Import function and when asked what file you want to import, select the downloaded file from Step 2.