Day Of Week Sorting Help


Associated with each sport is a flag that determines whether the events for that sport are to be listed on the home page grouped by the day of the week on which that event is played.

For example, the following is a list of 19 softball leagues listed without the Day Of Week Sorting flag checked.

without day of week sorting

Typically a given softball league is played on only one night of the week. By listing the leagues in a series of short lists organized by the day of week, it becomes much easier to find a desired league. The following is the same list of leagues sorted by Day of Week.

with day of week sorting

If you have a short list of events, or most of the events are played on the same day, or many of the individual events are played on multiple days of the week, then it is probably best to uncheck the Day Of Week checkbox. If you have a long list of events played on different days of the week and with each event played on a single day of the week, then it is probably best to check the Day of Week checkbox for that sport.