Cover Photo Resize Help Guide

Cover Photo Resize allows you to customize the size and positioning of your cover photo. This can be done with an image you’ve uploaded or one from our gallery.

How to resize your image

  1. Reposition the image by dragging it around with a mouse (or with your finger on a touch screen)
  2. Zoom In – Get a closer look at a portion of the image
  3. Zoom Out – See more of the original image
  4. Reset - Puts the image back into its original optimal size
  5. Crop Bottom – Cut off the bottom portion that you don’t want to see on mobile devices
When you are happy with the position of your cover photo, press Crop and Save and you’re done. Click Cancel to return to the Setup page without saving your changes.

What does the "Always Visible" section mean?

The whole image that you see on the page will be used as the cover photo when viewing a small mobile device. When your site is viewed on different screen sizes, the bottom portion of the cover photo will be hidden from view. We do it this way because we don’t want to stretch or distort your image. The thin “ALWAYS VISIBLE” section shows what will be displayed on the widest desktop view. Tablets and other size screens will get some amount in between. Make sure the key parts of your photo are near the top.

After you make changes to your cover photo, we recommend that you view your QuickScores site on your phone or tablet. Almost 70% of our traffic comes from mobile devices, so you’ll want to make sure everything looks good on these smaller screens.

I am trying to zoom out or drag the image but nothing is changing. What’s going on?

The cover photo has a minimum required height and width. We have taken care to ensure your image never goes outside these limits – so if you are trying to reposition, zoom out or crop the bottom and the image snaps back into place or nothing happens when you click a button, it is because doing so would take the image outside the allowed parameters.

Note: If you zoom in on the image, the portions of the image not visible on the page are not gone. They are still available for you to reposition or zoom back out.

Example of Cover Photo Resize Interface