2025 Spring/Summer Registration

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2025 Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Spring Registration

Player Information
*First Name
*Last Name
*Street Address
*Zip Code
*Date of Birth
*Which school does the player attend?
*Select a division
*Does the player play Travel Softball
*Is this your first year With Des Plaines Softball?
Did you recruit any players? They must be new.
Name of friend - must be new to the league
*Shirt Size - included in fee
*Last name spelling for back of jersey
Players must have
Softball Glove
Rubber Cleats
Softball Bat
Black Softball Pants
  * These can be purchased at any sporting goods store or online. 
Please list in the box below any possible conflict dates for your family.  This may include vacations, special events, etc that would impact your availability to attend a team game.  If you don't know the dates at this time, please leave box blank and share with your team manager when they are known.  
Conflict Dates
How did you hear about this program?
Fundraiser Participation
Worlds Finest Chocolate Sales
Every player in the league will be expected to sell 1 box of Worlds Finest Chocolate Bars.  The profit from the sales helps the league keep registration costs down, allows us to buy equipment and hire umpires.  
To opt out of candy sales, click the box below and $30 will be added to your registration fee.  
Worlds Finest Chocolate Sale Opt Out
 Opt Out (+$30.00)
Player Medical Information
*Medical Conditions/Allergies
Special Needs/Requests
Primary Guardian Information
*Primary Guardian Name
Address - Same as Player
 if checked, skip to primary guardian email 
Street Address
Zip Code
*Primary Guardian Email
*Primary Guardian Mobile Phone
This is a community league and it runs through parent help. Please consider one of the areas listed below for ways to help the league. 
Volunteer - Team Manager
Volunteer - Asst Coach
Coach Shirt Size - if box is checked select a size
Coaching Experience
Secondary Guardian Information
Secondary Guardian Name
Address - Same as Player
 if checked, skip to secondary guardian email 
Street Address
Zip Code
Secondary Guardian Email
Secondary Guardian Mobile Phone
This is a community league and it runs through parent help. Please consider one of the areas listed below for ways to help the league. 
Volunteer - Team Manager
Volunteer - Asst Coach
Coach Shirt Size - if box is checked select a size
Coaching Experience


I, the undersigned, parent/guardian of the child named above for and in consideration of that child being permitted to participate in the activities of the Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc. program during the current season, do hereby agree to release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc., the organizers, sponsor officials, directors, supervisors and all persons providing transportation to or from its activities, of and from any and all claims, actions or causes of action of any nature arising out of or in the course of such participation including, but not limited to, practice sessions, tournaments, games, contests, and transportation to or from such.



As parent and/or guardian I do herewith grant permission to the adult manager, coach and business manager of the team or organization to obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital, or medical clinic, for the player named herein at such time as either parent or legal      guardian cannot be contacted in person or by telephone.  The dates this release is in effect are January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.


As parent or guardian I do herewith authorize the treatment by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the above named child in the event of a medical emergency which in the opinion of the attending physician may endanger her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed.  This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me.  This release form is completed and signed of my own free will with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances in my absence.   The dates this release is in effect are January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.



I grant to Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc., its representatives and volunteers, the right to take photographs or videos of me and my property in connection with the above-identified subject.  I authorize Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc., its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/ or electronically.


I agree that Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc. may use such photographs and videos of me with or without my name for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content.  I understand there is no financial compensation for the use of my photographs.


I have read, understand, and agree to the above.

*Waiver confirmation
 I have read and agree with the waiver. 
Don't type in this field
Des Plaines Park District Zero Tolerance Policy
Des Plaines Park District ZERO Tolerance Policy
Des Plaines Park District Zero Tolerance Policy
There will be a ZERO Tolerance to any persons that use our facilities, athletic fields, or programs. All parents, coaches, volunteers at our affiliate sporting events are required to uphold the highest standard and should never raise their voices, use foul language, or display any aggressive behavior.   Any altercations physical or verbal brought to the Des Plaines Park District’s attention will result in the individual or party being immediately suspended from using our facilities and/or be on Park District grounds for a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 1 year, based on the situation.  The Executive Director will decide the length of such suspension.  


*DPPD ZERO Tolerance Policy
 I have read and agree with the DPPD Policy. 
Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball - Participant and Parent Code of Conduct
DPJWS Player and Parent Code of Conduct

Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball

Parent/Participants Code on Conduct  


I hereby PLEDGE to live up the code of conduct listed below and what it stands for.  

I will remember that my child is in a youth sports league, and that the game is for the children not the adults.  

I will remember that this is a recreational youth sports league. The main emphasis is to have FUN while learning new skills of the sport.  

I will remember that we are guests in facilities outside of our own park district buildings. We need to treat these facilities with respect.  

I will not drop off my child for any practices or games and just leave. I make sure the child arrives safely to their coach.  

I will NOT leave trash out on the field and pick up after myself. 

I will remember that all authoritative figures including park district personnel, should be treated with respect at all times.  

I will remember to help encourage team play, maximize praise and minimize criticism.  

I will remember to help “police” our own youth sports leagues. If one individual does not follow the rules it could affect everyone, which will then result in us not being able to use the field in the future.  

I will remember to place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win. 

Remember to let the children have FUN, learn new skills as well as meet new friends!! 

Please sign and date below stating that you read over this with your child, understand and agree with the items listed above. This signed document will be kept on file for the remainder of the season. If you do not follow the code of conduct, the Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball reserves the right to remove parent or child from the program.

*Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Code of Conduct
 I have read and agree with the Code of Conduct Policy. 
Refund Policy
The Policy
Players are eligible for 90% refund following registration but before uniform order placement on March 17, 2025. After uniform order is placed, players electing not to play will be provided a 50% refund of the registration fees.
*Refund confirmation
 I have read and understand the refund policy. 
Would you like to make a donation to provide a scholarship for someone that would like to play but can't afford it? Your contribution will be applied to the Joe Ciampi Scholarship Fund. 
Scholarship donation
Call Up Players:
If your child is in 2nd, 4th or 6th grade, would you be willing to have them on the call up list to play with the division above?  We would add their name to the list for managers in the division above so they could be called up if needed.  
Call Up List
 I agree to allow my player to be on the call up list. (grades 2,4 or 6 only) 
House All Star Tournament Team:
  • Please indicate in the following box if your child would be interested (if selected)in joining our House All-Star Team (HAST) program for 14U, 12U and 10U players
  • Practices will be held during the spring season not conflicting with house team games and practices.
  • We will have practice games against some nearby suburbs.
  • We will participate in 2-3 tournaments in July against other HAST teams.
  • The HAST team cost will be $150-200. The league has partial scholarships available that can assist in costs upon approval.
  • We are actively looking for a sponsor to assist with some of the fees as well. 
House All Star Team
 I agree to allow my player to participate in the HAST program agree to pay the additional cost if my player is selected. 
Payment options -
1) Pay online using a credit card through PayPal.
2) Pay in person with check or cash at the DPJWS registration event on February 15, 2025 from (10am-12pm) at Prairie Lakes. 
3) Mail - Checks can also be made out to and mailed to DPGS PO Box 2960, Des Plaines, IL 60017
4) Financial Aid is available. Apply using forms found on Home Page.
Total Due:
Important: To receive a confirmation email, please enter your email address here

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Contact your League Administrators for league-related questions:

Patrick Maag, President