I, the undersigned, parent/guardian of the child named above for and in consideration of that child being permitted to participate in the activities of the Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc. program during the current season, do hereby agree to release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc., the organizers, sponsor officials, directors, supervisors and all persons providing transportation to or from its activities, of and from any and all claims, actions or causes of action of any nature arising out of or in the course of such participation including, but not limited to, practice sessions, tournaments, games, contests, and transportation to or from such.
As parent and/or guardian I do herewith grant permission to the adult manager, coach and business manager of the team or organization to obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital, or medical clinic, for the player named herein at such time as either parent or legal guardian cannot be contacted in person or by telephone. The dates this release is in effect are January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.
As parent or guardian I do herewith authorize the treatment by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the above named child in the event of a medical emergency which in the opinion of the attending physician may endanger her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me. This release form is completed and signed of my own free will with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances in my absence. The dates this release is in effect are January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.
I grant to Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc., its representatives and volunteers, the right to take photographs or videos of me and my property in connection with the above-identified subject. I authorize Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc., its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/ or electronically.
I agree that Des Plaines Jr. Warriors Softball Inc. may use such photographs and videos of me with or without my name for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content. I understand there is no financial compensation for the use of my photographs.
I have read, understand, and agree to the above.