Men's League Rules

Adult Men’s Basketball League Format and Rules




League Director: Gary Sanders



  1. Facilities and Locations
  2. Tays Event Center Gym:

2235 N. Scenic Dr.

Alamogordo, NM  88310


  1. League Format
  2. The Otero County adult basketball league will be broken into two sections: regular season and playoffs
  3. Regular Season: Each team will play a seven (8) game regular season that begins on January 9th, 2020. Team’s schedules will be posted no later than January 7.
  4. Playoffs: Playoffs will begin the week following the regular season. Playoff schedules will be posted on the Friday following the final regular season game. Every team will play at least two playoff games.


III. Equipment


  1. Jerseys: Teams must have jerseys of the same color and permanent numbers for each player in every game (including the first game).
  2. Numbers must be permanent and at least 6 inches high
  3. Tape on numbers will not be permitted

iii. Legible, numbers with permanent marker (see clause III-a-i) will be permitted

  1. Tee shirts are acceptable
  2. Non-Jersey Penalty: Any player who does not have a jersey that meets the above criteria (III-a-i-iii) will be assessed a technical foul.


This rule will be enforced, including the first week of play.




  1. Balls: Each team is required to provide an official mens’ sized (29 inch) basketball for each game. If teams cannot agree on which gameball to use, each teams’ ball will be used for one half.
  2. Roster and Players
  3. All teams must submit a completed roster prior to their first game.
  4. Rosters shall have a minimum of five players and a maximum of twelve players
  5. Rosters must contain a current address for each player
  • Players may be added to your roster until January 15, 2020
  1. Each player on your roster must be at least 18 years of age.
  2. This policy involves liability issues and can only be waived by the League Director. Officials may not waive this clause unless receiving notice from the League Director
  3. All games played without a roster will be forfeited
  4. Teams must have at least four players on the court to play
  5. Any team that drops to three players will forfeit


  1. Team Manager’s Role
  2. Each team shall designate one team manager before the game begins for each game
  3. The designated team manager (and only the team manager) shall be responsible for all interaction with the officials
  4. Managers may discuss rule interpretations but may not discuss judgment calls
  5. Managers are expected to be respectful toward officials – the team manager does not have the right to question judgment calls or speak to the official in a rude or disrespectful way. Penalty: technical foul.
  6. Team managers are responsible for ensuring that all players and spectators who are with their team behave in an appropriate manner. Penalty: technical foul.
  7. The team’s captain is responsible to disclose the full name of any player assessed a technical foul or ejected. The game will not resume until this information is disclosed. If a manager refuses to disclose a player’s information after the game, he (the manager) will be assessed a technical foul and be held out of future games until the name is disclosed.


  1. Game Time
  2. Games will begin promptly at the scheduled start time
  3. If a team only has four players present at gametime, they must play with four
  4. If a team does not have four players present at ten minutes past the scheduled gametime, they will forfeit the game.
  5. Games will consist of two of two 20 minute halves.
  6. The clock will be running time except:
  7. The final 2 minutes of the second half (unless a team is ahead by 20 points or more)
  8. An injury occurs that requires stoppage of the game for longer than a normal stoppage (this is up to the officials’ judgment)

iii. A time out is called

  1. If teams are tied at the end of regulation, a two minute overtime period will be played
  2. In overtime, the clock stops during the final 30 seconds e. If teams are tied at the end of the first overtime, they shall play a sudden death (first point wins) overtime period
  3. Officials may correct a mistake by scorekeepers
  4. If a team requests a scoreboard correction, and no mistake is found, that team will be charged with a time out.


VII. Official Score and Scorekeeper

  1. Managers or a team representative must fill out the scorebook at the score table prior to each game. Players first and last name along with the jersey number shall be entered into the scorebook.
  2. Only players who are present shall be listed in the scorebook at the beginning of regulations
  3. Players arriving late may be added to the scorebook without penalty

 iii. Players may not enter the game until they’ve been entered into the scorebook.

  1. The running scorebook (kept at the scorer’s table) will be the official score and foul count
  2. Teams are encouraged to closely monitor the scoreboard and keep their own scorebook
  3. Teams shall alert the officials immediately if any errors occur i. If a team alerts the official to an error (that requires a clock stoppage) and no error is found, that team shall be assessed a timeout
  4. The scorekeeper will not keep track of individual statistics


VIII. Putting the ball in play

  1. Jump balls will only be used to begin the game and to begin all overtime periods.
  2. All other jump ball situations (including half time) will be determined by alternating possessions
  3. The officials shall handle the ball after every whistle


  1. Time Outs
  2. Each team will be allowed two one-minute timeouts per half
  3. Unused timeouts do not carry over between periods
  4. If overtime is played, each team shall be awarded one timeout per overtime period


  1. Dunking
  2. Dunking is allowed in games, however, players may not hold onto the rim i. Players holding onto the rim (even briefly) will be assessed a technical foul
  4. Any player caught dunking during warmups or in any other non-live situation will be assessed a technical foul
  5. This includes dunking after a whistle, or during a stoppage in the game.


  1. Fouls
  2. Any participant who is assessed five personal fouls will be removed from the game (fouled out)
  3. A technical foul is considered a personal foul Example: a player who receives four personal fouls and one technical has fouled out.
  4. A player shooting a three point shot when fouled shall receive three free throws (only when a three point line is available)


XII. Free Throws

  1. Players may enter the lane once the ball leaves the shooter’s hand (on the release).


XIII. Technical Fouls

  1. All technical fouls are two shot fouls plus the ball at mid-court
  2. Any players who receives two technical fouls in a game will be ejected from the game and will be suspended for a minimum of one game.
  3. Note - this excludes technicals for a jersey violation
  5. Note - this excludes technicals for a jersey violation
  6. This includes state tournament play

iii. Refunds will not be given for expelled players

  1. iv. Players who receive their 3rd technical foul during the final game will be suspended for the next season.
  2. Any misinformation about a technical foul may result in a team suspension i. The following will be considered misinformation
  3. Refusal to give the scorer’s table the offending players name
  4. Lying about the name of a player who’s received a technical
  5. Attempting to play with a suspended player


 XIV. Flagrant Foul

  1. A flagrant foul may be a personal or technical foul of a violent or savage nature, or a technical noncontact foul which displays unacceptable conduct. It may or may not be intentional. If personal, it involves, but is not limited to violent contact such as: striking, kicking, kneeing or an attempt to injure.
  2. Any player who receives a flagrant foul shall be ejected from the game and will serve a minimum of a one game suspension
  3. A flagrant foul will also count as a technical foul


  1. Player Conduct
  2. Otero County Men’s League is a municipal recreation program who aims to create a welcoming environment for all players. Additionally, its basketball leagues are conducted in New Mexico State University at Alamogordo gym. . As such, the following conduct expectations are in place for all adult basketball games.
  3. The following actions may result in a technical foul
  4. Use of profanity
  5. Complaining about or questioning an official’s call by a non-team captain

 iii. Persistent complaint about judgment calls by any player (including captains)

  1. Abusive or profane language by a spectator (team technical shall be assessed).
  2. The following actions shall result in a technical foul, double technical (ejection) or flagrant foul.
  3. Use of profanity toward an official or an opposing player
  4. Making a comment that is personal in nature to or about an official or opposing player

 iii. Any attempt to “bait,” taunt or otherwise instigate an opponent

  1. An attempt to physically intimidate an opponent or official d. Any physical contact with an official will result in ejection from the league and notification of authorities
  2. NOTE: The officials’ jurisdiction begins from the time a player arrives on site until the player leaves. Actions that occur, before, during and after games are all subject to a technical foul, flagrant foul or ejection.
  3. Alcohol and tobacco is not permitted to be on-site during any OCM activities.



XVI. Fighting

  1. Any player who is ejected for, or found to be fighting will be ejected from the game and may be ejected from the league for the remainder of the season (including the State Tournament)
  2. NMM will use a strict definition of fighting, and shall impose the fighting for penalty for any of the following action
  3. Throwing a punch (regardless of whether or not it is landed)
  4. Slapping or pushing a players face of head area

 iii. Grabbing or pushing a player during an altercation (exception, trying to restrain a player from your own team)

  1. Any violent, physical act on another player outside of the actions allowed in basketball Example: throwing a player to the court
  2. Any player who leaves the bench while an altercation is happening shall be considered to be fighting (exception: if an official specifically asks players to help to restore order).
  3. The officials have the right to halt and discontinue any game if it is believed that allowing a game to continue may result in a fight or an out of control situation.


XVII. Officials

  1. The officials for the NMM Adult Basketball league are contracted from an outside officials’ organization and are not employees of the City of Alamogordo. However, the officials are expected to treat players in a professional and respectful manner, and uphold all of the rules and policies in this manual.
  2. NMM contracts for two officials per game and intends to play each game with two officials
  3. In the event that one official is unavailable, a game may be officiated by one official and will be considered an official game.
  4. In the even that either neither official is present, teams may decide to proceed in one of the following ways:
  5. Solicit a volunteer(s) to officiate the game. The volunteer officials will be paid the officials’ fee.
  6. Play a self-officiated game (teams will split the officials’ fee).

iii. Declare the game a no-contest, so neither teams standings are affected (teams will split the officials fee)

  1. If option i or ii are agreed upon, the game must be played to completion, unless an official arrives to complete the game (the game shall not be restarted).
  2. Once a game has begun, it is considered an official game and cannot be replayed.


XVIII. Team Conduct

  1. Any team which consistently exhibits poor sportsmanship may be eliminated from the league with a forfeiture of all fees.
  2. Officials and teams shall report all poor sportsmanship to the league director.


XIX. Rules Not Listed

  1. Any rule not listed in this manual will be governed by NMAA (High School) rules.


  1. Forfeits
  2. If you must forfeit, please call the opposing team manager and the Director (505)639-3509 as soon as possible.


SCHEDULE AND STANDINGS: All standings and schedules will be posted on the Otero County Men’s League website at


WEATHER: In the event of inclement weather, contact the weather line at (505 639-3509 to determine whether games have been cancelled.


CHAMPIONS:  tournament champions will receive championship tee shirts.