
Rules Updated and Published August 25, 2023
Age Specific Rules:
Please note that in the LCSL, the LCSL rules supersede the FIFA rules. The LCSL rules are based on the FIFA rules, but adapted for youth play.
Nevertheless, information on what is and what is not off-sides, for example, is universal. The FIFA information is an excellent resource in this regard.

LCSL Constitution and By Laws (updated and effective for Fall 2023)

Effective Fall 2024 
 Age Group Max Roster Size # of players on the field Referee Fees
U7-U8 10 6v6 $40
U9-U10 12 7v7 $40
U11-U12 14 9v9 $45
U13/14/15 18 11v11 $55
*In certain situations the president can over-roster up to 2 players. Registrars must email to ask.      **Number of players on field include 1 goalie**

Regarding Reschedules
ALL reschedules must go through the HOME TEAM'S LCSL REPRESENTATIVE, The COACHES should NOT be contacting the LCSL Referee Assignor or the LCSL Scheduler, only the LCSL Representatives.
1. BOTH, Home and Away coach need to discuss and agree on a new time.
2. Then the Home team LCSL Representative will email the scheduler,
3. When the Rep emails the scheduler, include both coaches as CC on game reschedule emails. 
4. The body of your email should include the details of the original game (to clearly identify which game needs to be reschedule) and the date and time of the reschedule. 
5. Once the scheduler responds back to say the change is done, make sure to check Quickscores to ensure the system is reflecting the change accurately. 

How Do I Cancel Games Due To Weather? 
After the 8:00 AM (Saturday) or 4:00 PM (weekday) deadline only the referee can cancel a game. (Not the coaches)
If you choose to cancel before the deadline, the home team is responsible for notifying the following via group text or group email. 
The only way a game is canceled by weather is if the Fields Rep or LCSL Rep of that community goes to the fields and deems them unplayable by 8 am on weekends and 4pm on weekdays. Coaches cannot cancel games, and no one except for the referee can cancel a game after 8 AM.
Rule Change (Effective Spring 2013)
There is no Silent Saturday.
Rule Change Repealed (Effective Fall 2009)
  • Passbacks to the goalkeeper are not allowed at all ages with goalkeepers.  An indirect free kick shall be awarded at the spot of the foul, per FIFA rules.
  • Note, the passback itself is legal, the penalty comes into play if the goalkeeper handles the pass with his or her hands.  If the goalkeeper plays the passback with his or her feet, there is no penalty.
Mercy Rule (Effective Fall 2009)
  • When a team has a 5 goal lead, the losing team may add a player.  For full sided games (11 v 11), this division does Not follow the add player rule.
  • Cannot play with 12 players on the field!! Or take one off.
  • If the losing team scores a goal to bring the lead down to 4, the removed player may be replaced (or the added player must be removed).
  • When a team has a 7 goal lead, losing team may add a 2nd player (or the winning team must remove a 2nd player)
  • If the losing team scores a goal to bring the lead down to 6, the 2nd added player must be removed (or 1 removed player may be added back).
  • Winning by 10 or more goals , the coach will get an email, second offense, same email but will only get 1pt for win.
  • 8/2019 meeting voted on.
Should any of you not be sure of any rules or have questions, please feel free to contact your LCSL Representative. Referee assignors, please make sure all referees are reminded should they red card a coach, that we will need a written report and their player pass should be taken and forwarded per the game card.

Referee Red Card Report form will be completed by the referee who issues a Red Card within 24 hours of issuance. This form should be completed for all Red Cards issued. 
Referee complaint about a community form will be used for referees to communicate any complaints about coaches or spectators. This form is a way for refs to communicate with LCSL about any concerns. LCSL will review and investigate. 
Community complaint about referee form will be used for things such as ref no shows or serious complaints about refs. This form will only be reviewed if it is submitted by the community's LCSL Representative. All communities should handle the complaint themselves and only escalate to LCSL if it is valid and you are unable to resolve yourself. LCSL will review and if necessary escalate to the ref assignor. 

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