Referee Info

Player cards are to be checked for U9 and up.
Heading and Sliding is permitted for U12 and up.

Field Closures will be posted by 5pm on weekdays and by 8am on Saturdays. 

Refer to the Rules Page for LCSL Rules, Constitution and By-Laws
Age Specific Rules:

Referee Fees:
U7-U10: $35
U11-U12: $40
U13-U15: $45

Want to become a referee? Follow the steps below:

1. Signup/make an account (I wasn't able to see the online classes unless I was logged in to my account.

2. Click on "Start Your Journey"

3. If this is your first time you are taking the class you want the Grassroot First Time Referee" class

4. Click on "Go To Class List".

  • Towards the top there will be a  heading titled "Host". Click on the arrow and choose "Ohio North State Referee Committee"
  • That should get you to the list of classes.