
8U Coach Pitch

Fall 2024  -  Baseball

Name and contact information for the league's coaches

Print Coaches

Team Name
Coach Name
8U - Armstrong - Shelton
Jared Shelton - Coach
214-695-5501214-695-5501 (Cell)
8U - Cubs - Pete Hernadez
8U - Demolishers - Ridley
Davis Ridley - Coach
214-460-0982214-460-0982 (Cell)
8U - Dragons - Bowling
8U - Grizzlies -Thompson
8U - LH Wildcats - Hudman
John Hudman - Coach
214-710-4625214-710-4625 (Cell)

8U - Mustangs - Leos
Jesse Leos - Head Coach
214-533-8112214-533-8112 (Cell)
8U - Tigersharks - Dodson
Steven Dodson - Coach
817-991-5202817-991-5202 (Cell)