
This website is designed to give you easy access to all of your sports information. As the season progresses, you will find it easy to follow your schedules, standings, and any changes or new information regarding your leagues and upcoming events. Be sure to bookmark this website for quick and easy access to all our sports information! 


At our Y, we want to provide recreational and competitive programming to create a healthy outlet for children to gain new skills, develop a sense of team and connect with positive role models.


Our Mission: to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.





To contact your YMCA Sports Director, please below for information: 


Cameron Cudnohowski, Youth Sports Director
262-468-0492 / ccudnohowski@glcymca.org


Watertown Area YMCA | Glacial Community YMCA


» Spring 2024 Flag Football - Youth